During the online “Overtime” segment of Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” Washington Post columnist and CNN host Fareed Zakaria said that “If you look at Democratic cities, they are terribly run.” And as a New York resident, “I pay the highest taxes in New York. You get nothing for it.” Zakaria also stated that Democrats must “realize the answer to everything is not more taxes, more regulation.”
Zakaria stated, “This is a huge Democratic Party problem. If you look at Democratic cities, they are terribly run. They have incredibly high taxes. It is impossible to build. So, the cost of housing…is crazy in places like New York and Chicago. If you look at Democratic states, look, you go look at New York versus Florida, okay, roughly the same population. The budget of New York state is twice that of Florida. What do they have? Streets paved with gold? I live in New York. I pay the highest taxes in New York. You get nothing for it. And I think that is the image people have of the Democratic Party, lots of taxes, lots of regulation, but nothing gets done.”
Host Bill Maher then cut in to say, “Hey, I live in L.A.”
Zakaria added, “Democrats have to own this and realize the answer to everything is not more taxes, more regulation. People are fed up with that and they feel that it isn’t working.”
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