Credit: WAVY Video Screenshot

Justice appears to be coming for the jealous teen athlete who violently attacked her star rival, but she has unbelievably gained some defenders in the process.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, a horrifying scene unfolded on Friday during a track title race in Virginia. Brookville High School junior Kaelen Tucker was taking part in the 4×200 meter relay at the VHSL Class 3 State Indoor Championships at Liberty University in Lynchburg after winning a silver medal in the girl’s 55m dash earlier in the meet when the incident occurred.

Tucker, the second-leg runner, tried to move into lane one while battling second in the front as she rounds turn four. But a vicious rival from IC Norcom High School, which is located in Portsmouth, instead slowed down, pulled her arm back, and smashed her baton with full force across the back of Tucker’s head.

Tucker then staggered off track while holding her head and crumpled to the ground as the horrified crowd gasped. She suffered a concussion and a possible skull fracture as a result of the incident.

But Alaila Everett, the athlete responsible for the assault, astonishingly claimed the clear-cut video was misleading and came up with the most insane lie possible to defend her actions.

“After a couple times of hitting her, my baton got stuck behind her back like this, and it rolled up her back. I lost my balance when I pumped my arms again. She got hit,” the IC Norcom High School told WAVY.

“I know my intentions and I would never hit someone on purpose,” she said.

But authorities are not buying her nonsense. WAVY reports that Everett is now facing assault and battery charges for attacking Tucker, which the Lynchburg Commonwealth’s Attorney Office confirmed to the Daily Mail.

But the Portsmouth NAACP has issued an outrageous defense of Everett’s actions. The branch released a statement on Wednesday in all caps, stating, “Alaila is NOT AN ATTACKER.”

The Portsmouth NAACP release went on to whine about the media coverage and condemn alleged racist slurs directed at Everett. Then, the organization dropped this whopper:

“She has carried herself with integrity both on and off the field and any narrative that adjudicates her guilty of any criminal activity is a violation of her due process rights,” the statement adds.

Some people live in denial even when the evidence stares them straight in the face. Let’s hope a judge and jury do not buy Everett’s excuses.

Read the full article here

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