President Trump: «And those are the sanctuary cities. We are going to put an end to sanctuary cities for some of these jurisdictions that are not cooperating with the law.

They are protecting criminals. They are taking away the rights of the citizens in their state and their city. And we are going to end sanctuary cities if necessary in certain key areas. And maybe we’ll end all of this completely because it’s just a way to protect criminals. And no one else benefits from that.

And for some reason, the Democrats want to keep it and want to protect criminals so they aren’t sent back to their countries or sent to prison. And in the meantime, crime rates have soared under Biden. They were through the roof. They are starting to go down, but we’re getting a lot of people out of here. So maybe soon we’ll present an executive order ending sanctuary cities.»

Sanctuary cities in the United States are areas where local authorities limit their cooperation with federal immigration agencies, such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). In these cities, police officers and other officials do not detain or hand over illegal immigrants to federal authorities if they have committed minor offenses, and they often refuse to cooperate in the enforcement of federal immigration policies.

The origin of this concept lies in the concern to protect immigrant communities, especially those who fear that cooperation with federal authorities may result in the deportation of individuals who, although they are in the country illegally, have not committed serious crimes. In these cities, illegal immigrants can live and work without the constant fear of being arrested or deported for minor immigration violations.

However, the sanctuary city system has generated controversy, particularly among advocates for stricter immigration control. Critics argue that this approach jeopardizes public safety, as individuals who have committed serious crimes may be released without facing deportation. Additionally, opponents point out that policies sheltering illegal immigrants may encourage crime and undermine the effectiveness of immigration laws.

The Democratic Party has defended such policies, arguing that they are necessary to protect immigrants and prevent discrimination. On the other hand, critics, especially from the Republican Party, have stated that these cities are protecting criminals and that their policies undermine law and order. The issue of sanctuary cities has been a hot topic in national immigration policies, with debates about their impact on security and the judicial system in the United States.

A 2018 ICE report indicated that in 2017, a significant number of illegal immigrants arrested by ICE had been previously arrested for serious crimes, such as homicides, sexual assaults, and robberies. In 2017, ICE reported detaining over 127,000 illegal immigrants, of which approximately 40% had been arrested for violent crimes.

A 2019 report by The Heritage Foundation suggested that sanctuary policies could have an effect on the increase of serious crimes, as some criminals detained for serious offenses are released without being handed over to ICE for possible deportation. According to this report, cities such as San Francisco and Chicago have experienced issues with the release of repeat offenders due to sanctuary policies. For example, in San Francisco, the Sheriff’s Department released over 2,000 illegal immigrants in 2017 who faced serious criminal charges, including murders and sexual offenses.

A 2018 study conducted by ICE analyzed the impact of sanctuary policies in San Francisco, one of the most well-known sanctuary cities. The results showed that of the 191 people arrested for serious crimes in 2017 who had benefited from sanctuary policies, 40% already had criminal records and many had been arrested for violent crimes.

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