Netflix has renewed the political drama The Diplomat for a third season, ahead of its season two premiere on October 31. Debuting in April 2023, The Diplomat centers on Kate Wyler Keri Russell (Rufus Sewell), the new United States ambassador to the United Kingdom, as she helps to defuse an international crisis, forges strategic alliances and adjusts to her new place in the spotlight. She also manages her deteriorating marriage to fellow career diplomat Hal Wyler.
In its first two weeks on Netflix in 2023, The Diplomat became Netflix’s most-viewed title, reaching the Top 10 in 87 countries, and garnering 173.46 million hours viewed in the four weeks following its premiere. Viewer hours are calculated by combining the number of viewers and how long they watched.
“Season 3 of The Diplomat flips the chessboard. “Kate lives the particular nightmare,” teased Debora Cahn, Creator / Showrunner / Executive Producer. “Production is currently underway, and will take place in London and New York City.”
Debora Cahn returns as executive producer alongside Janice Wiliams, Keri Russell, and Alex Graves.
What follows is the trailer for season two of The Diplomat. Season one of the political drama produced eight episodes.
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