Each month, the Visalia Times-Delta lets you know which Tulare County restaurants aced inspections, as well as which ones need to make improvements.
Tulare County’s best restaurant inspections
The following 10 restaurants met all standards during their February inspections and no violations were found. Their scores are considered perfect.
Starbucks, 438 W. Noble Ave., Farmersville
Subway, 1277 W. Henderson Ave., Porterville
West Coast Sourdough, 2011 E. Prosperity Ave., Tulare
Subway, 1330 N. Plaza Ave., Visalia
Subway, 3927 W. Caldwell Ave., Visalia
Starbucks, 3927 W. Caldwell Ave., Visalia
Taco Bell, 1107 W. Visalia Road, Exeter
Wingstop, 150 N. Alta Ave., Suite B, Dinuba
The Runway Café, 861 S. Valencia Blvd., Woodlake
Starbucks, 1118 W. Visalia Road, Exeter
January 2025: The best and worst Tulare County restaurant inspections
Tulare County restaurants that did not pass inspection
The following 10 restaurants were found to have major or critical risk violations:
Taco Truck Express, 967 W. Henderson Ave., Porterville – Routine inspection on Feb 3. Inspection Score: 73. Facility was temporarily closed until inspector could return and verify that warm water at the handwashing sink measured a minimum of 100°F, and hot water at the food-preparation sink and warewashing sink measured a minimum of 120°F.
Observed employee drink on preparation surface.
Observed obstructed handwashing sink.
Observed lack of soap at the handwashing sink.
Observed potentially hazardous foods – beans (55°F) and pico de gallo (48°F) – not being stored at the required holding temperatures.
Observed beans (55°F) in cooking pot inside the one-door refrigerator not being cooled properly.
Observed consumable ice used as a coolant for horchata and jamaica.
Observed 20 items including cheese, mayonnaise, guacamole, refried beans, and sour cream stored in unsanitized food containers. (Corrected on site, items discarded.)
Observed knives stored in a manner that poses a risk for cross-contamination.
Observed grease and grime build-up on the baffle filters and on the exterior of the exhaust hood.
Observed Ansul fire suppression system tag, which is to be recertified on a semi-annual basis, last certified June 8, 2023.
Observed plumbing under the three-compartment sink being held by a bucket.
2024: Every restaurant inspection we covered in Tulare County
Bistro di Bufala, 208 W. Main St., Visalia – Routine inspection on Feb. 5. Inspection Score: 86.
Observed food products in the pizza preparation table between 46°F and 48°F. (Repeat violation) (Corrected on site.)
Observed food products in the three-door True food-preparation table/refrigerator between 43°F and 44°F.
Observed several juice containers at top bar not under temperature control and improperly marked for time as it was missing the time.
Observed unlabeled flour.
Observed unapproved scooping utensils buried in flour in bulk storage container.
Observed three-door True food-preparation table/refrigerator with cutting board that had deep skid marks.
Observed boxes of frozen shrimp (approximately 15 pounds) and frozen bacon (approximately 20 pounds) on floor of walk-in refrigerator. (Repeat violation)
Observed walk-in freezer with ice accumulation around pipes.
Observed unsigned Phoenix #779030 Ansul fire suppression tag.
Observed cheese cutter with double handles stored directly behind food-preparation sink faucet.
Observed improper storage/sanitation of wiping cloths.
Observed level of sanitizer in sanitizer bucket at 0ppm.
Observed pipes directly in the floor sink under the two-compartment food-preparation sink.
Observed two-compartment food-preparation sink leaking.
Observed inactive nymph German cockroach inside the Ansul clear pocket.
Observed food-preparation areas with cove base not flush with wall.
Sushinola, 1776 E. Tulare Ave., Tulare – Routine inspection on Feb. 6. Inspection Score: 84.
Observed lack of valid and current food safety manager certificate.
Observed missing soap dispenser, and paper towel dispenser not working due to low battery.
Observed internal temperature of grilled onion and grilled yellow pepper at 66°F in stainless steel pans on the counter.
Observed internal temperature of sushi rice at 66°F.
Observed pink, brown, and white build-up on the interior panel of the ice machine.
Observed no quaternary ammonia test strip to test sanitizer concentration.
Observed unapproved wooden tortilla presser used for making tortillas.
Observed condensation behind walk-in refrigerator piping dripping into a container below.
Observed walk-in refrigerator (beer cooler) door and single-door food-preparation refrigerator with broken/missing handle.
Observed cardboard used as liner on the shelves for storage of hot sauce.
Observed fire suppression system tag, which is to be recertified on a semi-annual basis, last certified May 16, 2024.
Observed no thermometer available inside of three two-door food-preparation refrigerators.
Observed vacuum breaker on the mop sink faucet leaking water when the faucet is turned on.
Observed ice machine and ice bin condensation line with an air gap of less than one inch.
Observed ceiling by bean storage shelves with water dripping onto floor.
Leo’s Hot Chicken & Burgers, 1540 E. El Monte Way, Dinuba – Routine inspection on Feb. 12. Inspection Score: 88.
Observed personal drinks stored on food-preparation counters and above food-preparation surfaces.
Observed handwashing sink with no form of separation between sink and food-preparation table.
Observed macaroni and chili at temperatures of 50°F in the food warmers.
Observed frozen chicken tenders on the floor of the walk-in freezer.
Observed lowest shelf of storage racks less than six inches off the floor.
Observed dusty fan covers in the walk-in refrigerator.
Observed lack of thermometers for refrigeration units.
Observed lack of air gap for three-compartment sink.
Tacos Tequila, 1766 E. Tulare Ave., Tulare – Routine inspection on Feb. 13. Inspection Score: 89.
Observed lack of valid and current food safety manager certificate.
Observed not all staff with valid and current food handler certificates.
Observed rice stored inside grocery handbag on the steam table.
Observed large frozen pork inside the two-compartment sink. (Corrected on site.)
Observed several ingredient containers with no labeling.
Observed large bin of diced raw beef with no lid inside the upright two-door refrigerator.
Observed raw chicken stored on top of ready-to-eat food (beans, sliced carrots, soup) inside the walk-in refrigerator.
Observed soda stains on the area around soda machine nozzles.
Observed ice build-up on two-door upright freezer door gaskets. (Repeat violation)
Observed grease build-up inside at bottom of fryer. (Repeat violation)
Observed dust build-up on fan covers in Coca-Cola refrigerator. (Repeat violation)
Observed two-compartment sink with water leaking into container. (Repeat violation)
Observed food debris accumulation under griddle.
Observed standing water inside two-door food-preparation refrigerator and customer self-service refrigerator.
Observed debris build-up on shelves inside two-door food-preparation refrigerator.
Observed unapproved wooden tortilla press.
Observed fry baskets with loose metal wires.
Observed white freezer, pots, pans, to-go cups, and soda machine syrup station under the patio on the exterior north of the facility. (Repeat violation)
Observed ceiling light with no protective cover above two-compartment sink and kitchen food-preparation area.
Observed no Ansul fire suppression system above stove south of the cooking station. (Repeat violation)
Observed fire suppression system tag, which is to be recertified on a semi-annual basis, last certified Jan. 4, 2024. (Repeat violation)
Observed leaking rainwater above exterior mop sink.
Cellar Door, 101 W. Main St., Visalia – Routine inspection on Feb. 19. Inspection Score: 87.
Observed lack of proof that a current employee of this establishment holds a food safety manager class certificate that is no more than five years old.
Observed lack of soap in soap dispensers in both men’s and women’s restrooms.
Observed soap dispenser in disrepair at bar handwashing sink.
Observed lack of hot water at the handwashing sinks in both the men’s and women’s restrooms.
Observed sponges in contact with cleaned and sanitized, or in-use food-contact surfaces.
Facility lacks means of measuring the level of sanitizer in the sanitizing rinse for warewash and in the sanitizing solution for wiping cloths.
Observed no Ansul fire suppression system tag.
Observed lack of backflow prevention device/vacuum breaker at janitorial sink.
Observed lack of coving in both restrooms and in bar area.
Observed deteriorated (chipping) walls, lack of cove base, and deteriorated (porous concrete) floor at janitorial sink.
Observed exposed concrete floor behind bar area.
Observed exposed concrete between wine storage entrance and ice machine area behind stage.
Observed corner of red floor in kitchen deteriorated in an approximately one-square-foot area.
Observed dust on fans and ceiling in walk-in refrigerator.
Observed clutter in the janitorial room and food-preparation area behind stage.
Wet spill observed inside women’s restroom stalls and behind bar handwashing station.
Most recent health inspection report not available.
Observed lack of posted valid permit.
Republik Lounge & Nightclub, 115 N. Locust St., Visalia – Routine inspection on Feb. 19. Inspection Score: 88.
Observed lack of proof that a current employee of this establishment holds a food safety manager class certificate that is no more than five years old.
Observed not all staff with food handler cards.
Observed lack of affixed paper towel dispenser and lack of soap in affixed soap dispenser at bar handwashing station.
Observed lack of affixed soap dispensers and lack of affixed paper towel dispensers in both men’s and women’s restrooms.
Observed black mold build-up within ice machine interior panel.
Facility lacks means of measuring the level of sanitizer in the sanitizing rinse for warewash and in the sanitizing solution for wiping cloths.
Observed lack of proper food-preparation sink.
Observed dusty fans in walk-in refrigerator.
Observed lack of metal probe thermometer on site for measuring food temperatures during hours of operation.
Observed lack of easily readable, readily visible thermometer affixed in the warmest part of the refrigeration units.
Observed floor sink under bar area with a discharging hose and pipe inside floor sink.
Observed lack of affixed toilet paper dispensers in women’s restrooms.
Observed lack of approved coving in both restrooms, bar area, and walk-in refrigerator.
Observed deteriorated (chipping) floor in bar area and walk-in refrigerator.
Observed deteriorated (warped, stained, and porous) walls in walk-in refrigerator.
Observed two-inch-square hole in floor next to toilet in men’s restroom.
Most recent health inspection report not available.
Observed lack of posted valid permit.
Rosa’s Pizzeria, 314 S. Johnson St., Visalia – Complaint investigation and routine inspection on Feb. 24. Complaint is regarding lack of current food handler cards/certificates, spoiled clam chowder being served, mold accumulation in ice machine, unsanitary salad bar station, food in the walk-in refrigerator “not in good condition” or with mold. Complaint may have been made by a disgruntled employee. Observed at least one repeat violation: walk-in refrigerator not maintaining food at 41°F or below at all times. Complaint was abated. Inspection Score: 81.
Observed not all staff with food handler cards.
Observed a lack of mounted handsoap and paper towel dispensers at the ice cream handwashing station, and at the handwashing stations in the bar area, servers’ area, and kitchen area. (Repeat violation)
Observed ice cream handwashing sink obstructed by scooping utensils in sink.
Observed several items between 46°F and 48°F in the walk-in refrigerator. (Repeat violation)
Observed meatballs overfilling the hot-holding unit with some meatballs at the top with a temperature of 101°F to 126°F. (Corrected on site.)
Observed stickiness under shelves of food-preparation table surface and on corners of food-preparation equipment (oven). (Repeat violation)
Observed water at men’s restroom handwashing sink at 91°F, and no hot water at ice cream area handwashing sink.
Observed one inactive German cockroach in frying oil in secondary container of min-fryer.
Observed uncovered containers of ham, bacon, pineapple salad, sausage, and pepperoni stored on the lowest rack in the food-preparation refrigerator where water was pooling.
Observed open iced tea dispenser container missing lid cover.
Observed uncovered salt/sugar in bar area.
Observed two-door refrigerator with leak pooling in bottom rack. (Repeat violation)
Observed ice accumulation in white Whirlpool freezer in food-preparation area.
Observed two fryers and two wooden porous pizza-preparation pans encrusted with food particles.
Observed improper storage/sanitation of wiping cloths.
Observed three-compartment sink leaking at faucet and at plumbing below.
Observed lack of janitorial sink.
Observed two restroom stalls without toilet paper. (Corrected on site.)
Observed deteriorated and nonuniform flooring and unapproved cove base under the food-preparation sink area, three-compartment sink area, dishwasher area, and food-preparation table. (Repeat violation)
Observed deteriorated coving behind oven.
Observed deteriorated walls and ceiling (with holes) in water heater area.
Observed deteriorated wooden flooring, walls, ceiling, and cove base in walk-in refrigerator.
Observed lack of approved cove base in men’s and women’s bathrooms.
Observed deteriorated wall in dry storage area.
No coving observed behind freezers in freezer area.
Observed deteriorated flooring and cove base in bar area.
Observed dusty fans with grease accumulation near delivery door entrance. (Repeat violation)
Doc’s Grill, 105 S. Willis St., Visalia – Routine inspection on Feb 24. Inspection Score: 88.
Observed lack of proof that a current employee of this establishment holds a food safety manager class certificate that is no more than five years old. (Repeat violation)
Observed not all staff with food handler cards.
Observed lack of handsoap in dispenser in customer restroom closest to entrance.
Observed at least two boxes of frozen french fries and frozen chicken cuts on floor of walk-in refrigerator. (Repeat violation)
Facility lacks means of measuring the level of sanitizer in the sanitizing rinse for warewash and in the sanitizing solution for wiping cloths. (Repeat violation)
Observed lack of certified Ansul fire suppression system.
Observed Atosa upright refrigerator missing part of handle needed to open it.
Observed drive-through window not properly self-closing, and without air hood system activated when opened.
Observed air hood not self-activated when delivery door is opened.
Observed cutting board stored at food-preparation sink.
Observed several pieces of equipment within 12-inch splash radius of three-compartment sink.
Observed lack of metal probe thermometer on site for measuring food temperatures during hours of operation.
Observed “Not in Service” sign at the only customer restroom.
Observed missing cap on push-down-style faucet in employee restroom.
Observed bottle of personal medication (Advil) stored in the “teriyaki” dry food storage area.
Most recent health inspection report not available.
Buky’s Sushi y Mariscos, 619 W. Murray Ave., Visalia – Routine inspection and complaint inspection on Feb. 25. Complaint was about cockroaches in kitchen near grease trap and near where food is prepared and stored. Complaint is valid. Inspection Score: 80.
Observed not all staff with food handler cards.
Observed lack of soap in soap dispenser and lack of paper towels in paper towel dispenser.
Observed internal temperature of shrimp and black sauce in three-door food-preparation table/refrigerator at 43°F.
Observed carne asada meat and al pastor meat packed in dense containers since the day before with ambient temperatures between 43°F and 45°F.
Observed approximately two inactive adult German cockroaches above water heater/broiler and four adult German cockroaches in glue trap on floor.
Observed unapproved scooping utensils in black sauce bucket buried in food product.
Observed open food containers including sugar, basil, and vinegar over undershelf of food-preparation table.
Observed sponges in contact with cleaned and sanitized, or in-use food-contact surfaces.
Observed food in the three-door food-preparation table/refrigerator with makeshift Styrofoam lid.
Observed three-door food-preparation table/refrigerator with makeshift Styrofoam lid.
Observed food debris on undershelf of food-preparation table.
Observed Ansul fire suppression system tag, which is to be recertified on a semi-annual basis, last certified January 2024.
Observed lack of janitorial sink.
Observed mollusk knife stored between the three-compartment sink and the food-preparation sink.
Observed lack of metal probe thermometer on site for measuring food temperatures during hours of operation.
Observed improper storage/sanitation of wiping cloths.
Observed janitorial equipment (mops/brooms) not in designated location while not actively cleaning.
Observed lack of approved cove base in customer restroom.
Keep in mind as you read
Remember some of the violations noted are technical issues not directly linked to hygiene or cleanliness. Broken refrigerators, chipped tiles, or missing paperwork may be included among the violations because they can be linked to germs, injury, or awareness.
For full restaurant inspection details, visit the Tulare County Division of Environmental Health’s restaurant inspections score website here.
If you notice violations of state standards, you can file an online complaint here.
Critical risk factors inspectors look for range of factors, from a demonstration of knowledge, like possessing a food handlers certificate, to protection from contamination by keeping contact surfaces sanitized and clean.
Other things inspectors look at include employee health and hygienic practices, preventing contamination by hand, time and temperature relationships, food from approved sources, and more.
Some of the items inspectors check for are weighed more heavily than others, usually anywhere between two to four points.
Disclaimer: These inspection reports are from the Tulare County Retail Food Inspection Program, which inspects retail food facilities to ensure safe food handling practices, proper sanitation, and compliance with the California Health and Safety Code within the county.
Please note that follow-up inspections may not be included here.
This article originally appeared on Visalia Times-Delta: Roaches, grime, leaks: Tulare County restaurant inspections in February
Read the full article here