Erie School Board has announced the selection of Natalyn Gibbs as Erie School District superintendent effective July 1.

The board will meet in special session to vote on the selection Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. at the district administration building, 1910 Sassafras St.

Gibbs will transition into the position beginning April 1, according to the Friday afternoon announcement on the district’s ParentSquare app. District staff also were informed of Gibbs’ selection Friday.

“She will work closely with Superintendent Brian Polito and the district leaders to visit schools, connect with the people who make our schools strong, and listen to the hopes and concerns of our community,” according to the announcement signed by School Board President Jay Breneman.

Polito will retire as superintendent June 30. He has been named the first executive director of the Erie CRIZ Authority.

Moving on: Erie’s CRIZ hires first executive director, Brian Polito

‘Strengthening our schools’

Gibbs is executive director of schools and associate superintendent of Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools, Nashville, Tennessee. She was named as one of three finalists for the Erie School District leadership post in January. She was introduced to the community during a public forum on Feb. 6.

Gibbs’ selection follows a national search for the district’s next superintendent.

“Throughout the search we gathered input from across Erie’s schools and neighborhoods through surveys, focus groups and conversations,” Breneman said in the ParentSquare post. “We heard you: Families want safe, welcoming schools that set every student up for success. That starts with strong leadership, clear communications, and the right resources. Dr. Gibbs will work alongside educators, district teams and community partners to continue strengthening our schools and supporting every student.”

Watch it: Erie schools superintendent finalists’ forums with Briggs, Szumigala, Gibbs

Contact Valerie Myers at

This article originally appeared on Erie Times-News: Gibbs to succeed Polito as Erie schools superintendent

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