María Herrera Interviews Dr. María Hubmer-Mogg on Her Fight Against Health Tyranny

Dr. María Hubmer-Mogg, a brave Austrian physician, has been one of the strongest voices against the health tyranny imposed by globalist governments. In an interview with María Herrera, Hubmer-Mogg shared her experience in facing Austria’s draconian vaccine mandates and her battle for health freedom.

During Biden’s administration, Austria became one of the most restrictive countries for unvaccinated citizens. Starting in January 2022, mandatory vaccination was imposed, leading to massive protests that eventually forced its repeal. However, Hubmer-Mogg warned that the legal framework allowing such measures remains in place and could be reactivated at any time. «We must stay vigilant and stand firm,» she emphasized.

One of the greatest threats nations face today is the health treaty pushed by the World Health Organization (WHO). This agreement, along with amendments to the International Health Regulations, could grant the WHO unprecedented control over national health policies, stripping countries of their sovereignty in favor of centralized global governance. Hubmer-Mogg and other activists organized a massive protest in Geneva, Switzerland, on June 1, during the 77th World Health Assembly, to oppose the implementation of these measures.

The interview also addressed the lack of transparency in the administration of COVID-19 vaccines. According to Hubmer-Mogg, there was no proper informed consent, and many people suffered adverse effects without receiving the medical or legal support they deserved. In this context, she highlighted the importance of the Informed Consent Action Network and the work of organizations like The High Wire, led by Del Bigtree, which has exposed the flaws in pharmaceutical studies and corruption in the healthcare industry.

Hubmer-Mogg also stressed the need to repeal the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which shields pharmaceutical companies from legal liability for vaccine injuries. She expressed hope that the new Secretary of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., would push for significant reforms in this area.

The problem extends beyond vaccines. Hubmer-Mogg warned about other health risks, such as water contamination with fluoride, pesticide-laden processed foods, and exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF). Recent studies have shown that EMFs can negatively impact cellular function and disrupt the body’s biological balance.

Regarding the political situation in Europe, Hubmer-Mogg pointed out that Austria’s Freedom Party won the national elections, but opposition parties attempted to form a coalition to block them from governing. This maneuver reflects the ongoing struggle between citizens defending their rights and politicians seeking to impose their agenda. «We need leaders who truly stand for health freedom,» she asserted.

She also praised the courage of the American people in resisting health mandates. During her participation in the International Crisis Summit, Hubmer-Mogg met with leaders from the MAGA movement, who have been a model of resistance against globalist impositions. «It is inspiring to see Americans willing to fight for their freedom,» she commented.

Finally, Dr. Hubmer-Mogg concluded the interview with a call to action: it is time to expand the health freedom movement to Europe and firmly oppose any attempt to coerce citizens regarding their health. «Our body, our choice,» she reminded, emphasizing the importance of rejecting forced vaccination policies and any attempt to limit health autonomy, which is neither the state’s concern nor the jurisdiction of anti-science organizations like the WHO.

#HealthFreedom #NoToGlobalism #WHO #MandatoryVaccination #NationalSovereignty #BobbyKennedy #MAGA #CPAC2024


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