Jessica Watkins is a US veteran and recently released American political prisoner who was charged with a litany of offenses after she walked into the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, assisted police, and left the building 23 minutes later.
Jessica is part of the Oath Keepers organization. Jessica was arrested in January 2021.
During her torture, while she was confined, Jessica was stripped naked and left in a cell with lights on for 24 hours a day for four days. Jessica also suffered physical abuse by the guards while she served time in prison.
Jessica, a US veteran, was found guilty in November of crimes she never committed. The corrupt DC judge would not allow Jessica or her fellow defendants to cross-examine the fraudulent fed informants who lied about her during the trial.
The DOJ is a vicious security arm of the Democrat Party and Jessica was another victim of the Biden regime.
** You can donate to Jessica Watkins here.
The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft spoke with Jessica after her release. Jessica has an amazing story of strength and integrity.
Before she was arrested in 2021, the FBI raided her home, threw flashbangs, and shot out the windows.
Jessica Watkins:
So I left for a while. I left for four days. And eventually, my fiancé called me and said, “Hey, the FBI just raided.” They used the Joint Terrorism Task Force. They just threw flashbangs throughout the whole house. They threw a flashbang at our dog. They shot out the windows. They had a drone that they were flying around.I was like, “Oh, okay.” I was in Virginia at the time. I drove all the way back to Ohio and turned myself in. I got locked up. I did four years and three days after that.
Jim Hoft:
When the FBI did this, your fiancé was at home, the dog was home. Did you guys live out in the country in Ohio, or were you in the city?Jessica Watkins:
I jokingly call it the “War of Woodstock.” It was Woodstock, Ohio. It was a little town of 300 people. We owned the only business in town. It was a tiny little one-stoplight town. There were as many FBI agents and law enforcement officers as there were citizens.
Jessica then spoke about how she was stripped naked and held in a cell for four days.
Jessica Watkins: I was in solitary confinement everywhere I went. So they did my arraignment, and then I waived my right to a bond hearing until I got to Washington. So I moved from there to the Butler County Jail, where I was severely mistreated. I had a broken arm. I had a broken arm on January 6th. And so they took all my protections away. My arm was visibly deformed and still green and purple.
And so, yeah. And so they booked me into the Butler County Jail, and they just gave me an ace bandage, and then they took that away. And they said, well, we don’t think you need anything. And there was no bed. There’s nothing. I
‘m literally sleeping in a tray on the floor… I ended up saying, hey, if you don’t fix my arm, I’m going to go on a hunger strike! As soon as I said that, they stripped me naked.
They threw me in this glass booth. They paraded me through the jail without any clothes. It was very humiliating. And then they stuck me glass booth in the intake lobby, and then they left me there for four days. The lights wouldn’t turn off. They’d wake me up every 15 minutes, and they would harass me.
The prison guards sent Jessica to the men’s wing of the DC Gulag prison for several weeks. Jessica transitioned to a woman after she left the military in the early 2000s.
Jessica Watkins:
I was in solitary confinement everywhere I went. So they did my arraignment, and then I waived my right to a bond hearing until I got to Washington. So I moved from there to the Butler County Jail, where I was severely mistreated.I had a broken arm. I had a broken arm on January 6th. And so they took all my protections away. My arm was visibly deformed and still green and purple.
And so, yeah. They booked me into the Butler County Jail, gave me just an Ace bandage, and then took that away. They said, “Well, we don’t think you need anything.” There was no bed, nothing.
I’m literally sleeping in a tray on the floor. I ended up saying, “Hey, if you don’t fix my arm, I’m going to go on a hunger strike!”
As soon as I said that, they stripped me naked. They threw me in this glass booth. They paraded me through the jail without any clothes. It was very humiliating. Then they stuck me in the glass booth in the intake lobby and left me there for four days. The lights wouldn’t turn off. They’d wake me up every 15 minutes and harass me.
Eventually, Jessica was moved to the women’s side of the prison—after a year and a half.
Jessica also spoke about a mysterious witness who the Biden DOJ brought in to testify against her and the Oath Keepers on trial with her. Jessica says she had no idea who this guy was. None of the Oath Keepers had seen him before, and the government dragged him into court to lie and testify against them.
Jim Hoft:
There was one other thing that we were talking about—some individual who was a witness. You say you’re not familiar with this person. You didn’t know who he was. You don’t know why he was a witness. And yet they called him in, and he also has a shady background. Reportedly, he was caught with some sex charges or something. But he was testifying against you?Jessica Watkins:
So there was this audio—it was like a conference call we did.Back in, let’s see, what day was it? It was back in November of 2020. We were coordinating a detail, like we do, to protect the rallygoers because Antifa and others were showing up. We were putting together a plan to protect these people from Antifa. They like to throw bottles and rocks and attack protesters—Trump supporters.
And so we were there to do that. He recorded this audio and then was like, “Well, this sounds like some scary anti-government stuff.” There’s nothing there, because we have the entire audio. We played it in trial.
So his testimony wasn’t needed. Turns out he was convicted and went to prison for nine years for the brutal rape of a child. And then, after he got out, he changed his name nine, ten times. He kept trying to hide his identity.
Originally, he had Islamic-type names, then Russian-type names. And when he came in, he was wrapped in one of those headscarves like they wear at Hamas protests…
So he came in wearing that. And we were like, “Who the heck is this guy? We have no idea who this guy is.”
Well, he had listened in to this audio. He had sneaked in somehow. He was trying to claim he was the leader of West Virginia Oath Keepers or something like that. He’s not allowed to be in the Oath Keepers.
The bylaws forbid him because he’s a felon. If you’re a felon, you’re instantly out. We do vetting.
And so this guy completely lied about his testimony. The FBI promised this guy a full clean slate, witness protection, a new identity—everything—if he would just testify against us.
Our attorneys exposed the fact that this guy is a child predator, that he was a convicted felon for it, and that he had committed perjury. He was not who he claimed to be.
The DC kangaroo court found Jessica guilty and sent her to prison for eight and a half years.
It was Donald Trump who released her from prison after four years!
This was a very interesting interview. Jessica is a wonderful person.
Read the full article here