It is essential for competition to come back into education, Rep. Michael Rulli (R-OH), a member of the Education Committee, said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily, discussing how an act of Congress is essential to eliminate the Department of Education.

Rulli said lawmakers are preparing to drop a bill this week, the Education Restoration bill, to help make the elimination of the Department of Education become a reality. While he said President Trump’s executive actions are “incredible,” they do not have staying power, which is why it is essential for Congress to act.

“We all know that these executive orders that the President [is] doing are just absolutely incredible. They mean nothing on the day he leaves office. We already saw in history. Joe Biden overturned every single one of them on day number one,” he said. “We have to codify.”

Rulli said he believes Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) is going to introduce a “twin bill” in the Senate and expressed hope that the measure will make it to Trump’s desk before July 4.

“I want this codified in the law before the break, because once you get into the fall, there’s going to be so many distractions on the hill that this will be on the back burner. It’s only hot right now because it just happened,” he explained, briefly speaking to critics of dismantling the Department of Education by noting that lawmakers simply hope to give the country “back to the people’s hands.”

“That’s the way we’re working in this bill, that the money that was going to be allocated… for the Department of Education from your state, should go right back to the States, and it’s going to be up to the states to make sure that the school board gets them,” he said, also mentioning school vouchers and emphasizing the importance of bringing competition back into the education sector.

“We have to have the American competitive edge come back to the American education system,” he explained, telling the audience that he has been the subject of protests and even threats for pursuing this topic. However, he said he is secretly getting signs of support, too.

“Like fist bumps, like, keep your eye on it. Keep your eye on it. Don’t take your eye off of it. You guys are doing good. You’re taking care of things, but in conference, if we don’t codify this stuff… if we don’t do this and we lose that gavel, I mean, this whole movement will be over,” he warned, calling on listeners to ensure their representatives support this movement and upcoming bill.


“President Trump, the whole country needs this big, beautiful bill. It’s going to fix taxes. It’s going to fix borders. We might even be able to codify some of these really important pieces of legislation in there. Now is the time. Right now… If this flips around in the fall, you’re going to see this economy take off like a jack rabbit, and we’re going to be fine. If we get hiccups and we get dissent, and we get all these other things that the Republicans love to eat each other on, because it’s hard for us to unite — if we don’t unite, we’re going to lose that gavel, and the last two years will be impeachment,” Rulli warned.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

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