Renters in Evansville Metro saw apartment listing prices increase from January’s average of $1,047, an analysis of new data from Apartment List shows.
The average apartment listed for rent at $1,056 in February. Average listing prices in Evansville Metro are trending 0.8596% upwards from January’s $1,047 price, up 1.7% from this time last year.
The data is inclusive of all bedroom sizes, from studios to three-bedroom units, so while it is a good indicator of how rents are moving in the area, it does not include single family homes for rent, said Chris Salviati, senior housing economist for Apartment List.
One-bedroom apartments listed to rent at an average of $824, 0.7335% higher than January, when they were $818. Since last year, one-bedroom rental prices rose 1.6% from $811.
Two-bedroom apartments listed for rent were 0.8257% higher than January at an average of $1,099, compared to $1,090. Since last year, two-bedroom rental prices rose 1.7% from $1,081.
Statewide, Kentucky rental listing prices are slightly higher than January’s average of $1,038. In Kentucky, one-bedroom rentals were listed for an average of $847, essentially the same as January’s average of $845. Two-bedroom rental listing prices are trending slightly higher than January’s average of $1,032 at $1035.
In Evansville Metro, the average apartment listed for rent is 1% above the state average. One-bedroom rentals were 3% below the state average, while two-bedrooms listed 6% above.
Nationwide, apartment rental listing prices slightly increased from last month’s $1,370 to $1,375. One-bedroom rentals across the nation listed for an average of $1,208, just higher than last month’s average of $1,203, while two-bedroom rental listing prices slightly rose from last month’s average of $1,356 to $1,361.
In Evansville Metro, the average apartment listed for rent is 23% below the national average. One-bedroom apartment rentals listed 32% below the national average, with two-bedroom rentals listed 19% below.
The average apartment rental prices used in this report are gathered from Apartment List, which estimates the median rent using median rent statistics from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey and a growth rate calculated from their listing data. Read more about their rent estimate methodology here.
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This article originally appeared on Henderson Gleaner: Evansville Metro apartments for rent saw price increases in February
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