The highly anticipated documentary “Endurance” premiered at the BFI London Film Festival over the weekend before making its global streaming debut on Disney+ on November 2nd. Directed by the Academy Award-winning duo Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin, known for their gripping documentaries “Free Solo” and “The Rescue,” “Endurance,” along with co-director Natalie Hewit, this documentary brings to life the remarkable story of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s legendary 1914 Antarctic expedition. With the help of cutting-edge AI voice recreation technology, audiences will experience this iconic tale like never before—hearing the voices of Shackleton and his crew narrating their harrowing journey.
In addition to recounting Shackleton’s epic survival story, the documentary also follows the modern-day expedition that set out to locate the wreck of the Endurance, lost beneath the icy waters of the Weddell Sea for over a century. The film deftly connects these two expeditions—each bound by the same grit, determination, and spirit of adventure that has captivated explorers and audiences for generations.
I had the opportunity to speak with many of the crew involved in bringing the documentary to life—including Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, Dr. John Shears, Nico Vincent, Ruth Johnson, Dan Snow, and Mensun Bound—as they are all gathered in London for the premiere.
Reimagining the Past Through AI
One of the most groundbreaking elements of “Endurance” is its use of AI voice conversion technology. Developed by the Ukraine-based company Respeecher, this innovative technology allowed the filmmakers to recreate the voices of Shackleton and six of his crew members, using recordings and diary entries from their fateful expedition over 100 years ago. This remarkable achievement adds a layer of immersion never before seen in historical documentaries.
Vasarhelyi, reflecting on this technological marvel, said, “The story of Endurance has an audacity and a strength of will that is inherently human. The voices we hear are not just words being read; they’re the actual voices of Shackleton and his men narrating their own diaries. It’s a powerful use of technology to bring history to life.”
The AI recreation is particularly significant given the historical context. There are no existing recordings of Shackleton or his crew reading their own words, and the use of AI has given a voice to these long-silent figures. “It’s a new type of documentary,” Vasarhelyi explained, emphasizing how the diaries, paired with this advanced technology, help build an emotional bridge between the audience and the past and brings a profound authenticity to the film, allowing viewers to feel as though they are standing alongside the men on the ice, hearing their thoughts and fears in real time.
You can see the way archival images and video are seamlessly woven together with the AI voices in this exclusive preview of “Endurance” from Nat Geo:
Shackleton’s Epic Survival Story
At the heart of Endurance is the story of Sir Ernest Shackleton and his crew of 27 men. Shackleton’s goal was to lead the first land crossing of Antarctica. However, fate had other plans. In January 1915, their ship, the Endurance, became trapped in the thick, impenetrable ice of the Weddell Sea. Shackleton and his men were stranded on the ice for months, enduring brutal conditions as they drifted helplessly with the pack ice. They survived on penguins, seals, and even their sled dogs as their situation became increasingly dire.
Against all odds, Shackleton’s leadership shone through. He made the fateful decision to set off in a small lifeboat with five other crew members on a perilous 800-mile journey across the Southern Ocean to seek help. After an arduous two-week voyage through some of the most treacherous waters in the world, they reached the island of South Georgia. Shackleton returned to rescue the remaining crew, saving all 27 men in what has come to be known as the greatest survival story in history.
Speaking about Shackleton’s leadership, Jimmy Chin noted, “Shackleton refused to let them fail. His ability to lead through unimaginable adversity, to keep his men alive against impossible odds, is something that continues to resonate today.”
The Search for Endurance
Over a century later, the Endurance22 expedition set out to find Shackleton’s lost ship, which had been resting at the bottom of the Weddell Sea since its sinking in 1915. Led by a team of modern explorers aboard the South African icebreaker S.A. Agulhas II, the search was no less daunting than Shackleton’s own journey. The team, which included Dr. John Shears, expedition subsea manager Nico Vincent, and historian Mensun Bound, faced their own set of challenges as they navigated treacherous ice-covered waters and freezing temperatures.
Dr. John Shears recalled the harsh conditions, “Temperatures were dropping down to about minus 18 degrees. The sea ice was thick, anywhere between two to six meters, making our progress painfully slow. At the end, we only had three days left to find the vessel.” Despite the many setbacks, the team persisted, and after weeks of searching, they finally located the wreck of the Endurance, remarkably preserved and sitting upright on the ocean floor.
For Vincent and his team, the discovery was nothing short of awe-inspiring. “More people have walked on the moon than have ever explored the sea ice where Shackleton’s ship lay,” said Vincent. “To finally find it after all these years was a testament to the endurance of both Shackleton’s crew and ours.”
Bridging the Past and Present
The documentary beautifully weaves together the two expeditions—Shackleton’s original journey and the modern-day search for his ship—creating a narrative that spans time. Both are stories of perseverance in the face of overwhelming challenges, highlighting the timeless qualities of leadership, teamwork, and determination.
Vasarhelyi emphasized the emotional connection between the two stories, saying, “The 2022 expedition only underlined just how extraordinary Shackleton’s 1914-1915 journey was. These modern-day explorers faced their own set of incredible challenges, and yet the spirit of adventure and the human drive to push beyond limits ties both expeditions together.”
The Legacy of Shackleton
Endurance is not just a documentary about one of history’s most remarkable survival stories. It’s a celebration of human resilience, leadership, and the drive to explore the unknown. Shackleton’s story continues to be taught in leadership courses worldwide, and his ability to turn failure into triumph serves as a powerful reminder that perseverance in the face of adversity is one of the greatest human strengths.
Through a combination of AI technology, archival footage, and stunning cinematography, “Endurance” is a truly immersive experience that brings the past to life. As Jimmy Chin aptly puts it, “The film connects two eras—the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration and today’s world—through a seamless narrative that honors the bravery and ingenuity of both.”
Read the full article here