Following a shark attack in Western Australia on Monday, the search for a missing surfer has been suspended, according to local officials. Steven Payne, 37, was killed while surfing Wharton Beach. He was in chest-deep water at the time of the attack, and onlookers, including his girlfriend who watched in horror, in addition to a drone operator, saw the whole tragic incident go down.
Only his surfboard, riddled with bite marks, was recovered from the attack.
Now, per Western Australia Police Force Senior Sergeant Christopher Taylor, the search for Payne has turned into a “recovery, not a rescue.” And family members are remembering their loved one.
“Steve was one of the best,” his family said in a statement. “A gentle giant at 6ft4 (193cm), he was smart, kind, funny, laid back and very practical. While he wasn’t a man of many words, he loved his partner deeply, cherished his family, thought the world of his best mates, and was devoted to his dog.”
Related: Surfer Mauled by Shark in Chest-Deep, West Australia Water
Payne, a New Zealand native living in Melbourne, was in the midst of a six-month caravan trip around Australia with his girlfriend and dog when the attack occurred.
As for the drone footage captured during the attack, Sergeant Taylor said the video made it “so obvious what had happened.” He added:
“It shows a lot of blood, the shark and some other things in there I don’t particularly want to go into and I don’t think anybody else needs to see other than maybe the coroner and some other experts who will determine the type of shark and size.”
This attack is just the latest in West Oz, a region notorious for sharky activity. Earlier this year, 28-year-old Lance Appleby was killed from an attack while surfing Granites Beach on the Eyre Peninsula.
Rest in peace, Steve Payne.
Related: Search for Missing Surfer: “Lance’s Body’s Inside the Shark”
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