During an interview with the Fox News Channel aired on Friday’s “Special Report,” Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) responded to arguments that electric vehicle adoption should be determined by consumer demand by saying “Okay, but can I also remind you that the companies didn’t like catalytic converters? They didn’t like seat belts.” And that while companies should see what consumers want, “we also need to make sure that we are ready for the vehicles of the future and global climate change is real.”
Dingell said, [relevant exchange begins around 4:45] “We are not banning the production of internal combustion engines. People can drive them. The global marketplace wants electric vehicles as well. They are part of a production mix, part of a product mix. I’m going to keep this country, this state competitive. So, they’re part of the vehicle mix.”
After host Bret Baier referenced Ford pausing the F-150 Lightning, Dingell responded, “But do you also know that they’ve shut down — several of the companies have internal combustion engine vehicle shutdowns in those plants, too? The industry — I happen to know the industry, it’s an industry of ups and downs and cycles.”
Baier then said, “I just hear some people that say the consumer should be the buyer, and if they don’t like electric vehicles –.”
Dingell then cut in to respond, “Okay, but can I also remind you that the companies didn’t like catalytic converters? They didn’t like seat belts. They didn’t — when you think –.”
Baier then cut in to ask, “So, you think the emission standards as they’re set, which some people call a mandate –.”
Dingell cut in to respond, “There’s an off-ramp on it. They’ve got to look. They’ve got to see what the consumer wants. But we also need to make sure that we are ready for the vehicles of the future and global climate change is real.”
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