During portions of an interview with NPR aired on Monday’s broadcast of “All Things Considered,” Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) declared that Democrats “better shape up and put together a plan for progress, starting in the places that have fallen behind where people are voting for change simply because the economy is not working for them.” And that those voters voted for Donald Trump because they knew where they live isn’t great.
Kaptur said, “They heard President Trump say, Make America Great Again. That was something they want to do, and they know where they live isn’t. They’ve seen factories close. So, we need to keep our eyes laser beam focused on how do we expand opportunity.”
NPR Correspondent Barbara Sprunt then said, “She says Democrats haven’t messaged clear enough plans on how to grow the economy.”
Sprunt then played a clip where Kaptur said, “I have different mottos I live by, and one of them is, economics is not destiny, but it is 85% of it. And the Democrats better shape up and put together a plan for progress, starting in the places that have fallen behind where people are voting for change simply because the economy is not working for them.”
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