By Laraine C. Abbey-Katzev RN, MS, CNS

I feel compelled to share some highly credentialed contradictory climate information, which demonstrates that man’s contribution to current climate issues is minuscule to nil!

In August 2023, I wrote an article entitled “Is There Really a Climate Emergency?” It is no less applicable now than it was then. Humanity has not faced up to the fact that wind turbines and solar panels can never supply the world’s ever-growing energy requirements including those of computers and mobile phones—particularly with the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its exponential energy demands.

Wind turbines and solar panels are very costly in many ways, including outrageous issues for their frequently needed disposal, given their short lifespan of twenty to twenty-five years—after which they must all be replaced! Can you imagine the storage-pollution nightmare for that acreage of accumulated material?

Wind turbines are causing devastation to birds and sea creatures, are not recyclable, nor can they be put in the ocean. Whales and dolphins are washing up on shores wherever windmills have been drilled into the ocean floors.

Solar panels, while partially recyclable, are not at a practical expense. The creation and composition of solar panels carries its own negative earth and human impacts, as our geopolitical enemies in Third World nations are using child labor and also polluting in order to harvest the earth materials needed for these solar panels.

The health destruction of children and the death of living things like birds and sea creatures appear to have been ignored in the zeal to avoid fossil fuels.

Many wise folks have argued that the pushing of a presumed man-made climate emergency is for purposes far different from anything to do with climate. Many say it’s in service of the UN Agenda 21/30 with its Sustainable, Developmental Goals (SDR’s)—the purpose of which is to exercise more control over humanity—including where folks can live, how and where they can work, and how they can spend their money. While that is a complex topic for another time, but suffice it to say, it represents loss of freedom and the imposition of tyrannical controls upon liberty.

To learn more on that, see Dr. Meryl Nass’s website “Door To Freedom.”  Dr. Nass includes info on the climate agenda on that site here.

A thorough exploration of her “Door to Freedom” site will raise awareness of the interplay between many agendas of our time.

But going back to climate issues—explore the following climate truth websites and learn how globalists’ agendas are destroying your quality of life, your liberty, and your access to fossil fuels to serve their misguided climate understandings.

  • Guus Berkhout, prof. of geophysics and Marcel Crok, science journalist, website now has over 1960 climate experts’ signatures that there is no climate emergency, and that man’s contribution is minuscule to nil.
  • My (Laraine’s) 2023 Article “Is There Really a Climate Emergency?”
  • Co2 (a gas of life!) False Concern
  • The Danger and Damage of Wind Turbines
  • Gregory Whitestone,,
  • Dane Wigington –
  • Jim Lee –
  • HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program)
  • Climate Forecast Applications Network (CFAN), on Twitter she is CurryJA. Her book is “Climate, Uncertainty and Risk,” and she’s on Substack and Twitter
  • “Geoengineering involves large-scale intervention into the earth’s oceans, soils, and atmosphere in order to address the symptoms of climate change…”

Laraine C. Abbey-Katzev, is a Registered Nurse (emeritus) and Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS) with a Master’s-Degree in Biology/Clinical Nutrition who maintained a private practice, developed health and weight control programs, nutritional products, and was a featured newspaper columnist for health and nutrition articles. Formerly, a psychiatric Head Nurse, Laraine earned the Huxley Institute Certificate in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice and her successful Orthomolecular treatment of Agoraphobia/Panic Disorder through diet and nutrient supplements, was featured in many magazine articles and books. Laraine is a health activist and independent journalist. She serves on the steering committee of

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