Will our kids be sacrificed?

As a parent of two young children who will be attending Columbus City Schools in a few years, I am absolutely disgusted by what I’m seeing from the Statehouse and the White House.

Every child in this state and this country deserves a quality education, but instead, Gov. Mike Dewine wants to slash the Columbus City Schools budget, and Elon Musk and President Donald Trump are talking about eliminating the Department of Education so they can hand trillions of dollars in tax cuts to their campaign donors.

These cuts will mean that schools close, kids go hungry and teachers get laid off.

How many private jets and yachts do these billionaires need? I don’t care who you voted for, or whether you voted at all, but can we all agree that destroying public schools and holding our students’ futures hostage is downright vile?

These billionaires and their bought-and-paid-for politicians are raiding our schools, health care and social security to enrich themselves. To paraphrase the late comedian, George Carlin, “It’s a big club and we ain’t in it”.

The decision of whether or not to fund public education does not belong to Elon Musk or the president. It belongs to the American people. And frankly, we need to start acting like it! We need to flood the Statehouse, testify in committees, blow up their inboxes and phone lines, get in the faces of our congresspeople and do whatever needs to be done to secure our children’s futures.

Stuart McIntyre, Columbus

This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Our kids must be saved from billionaires, bought politicians | Letter

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