COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong:
What I found really weird was that some Democrats were holding signs saying, “Musk Steals.”
Per its website, DOGE has saved $105B. In the name of all that is good and right, who are the ones stealing?! Where was this money going?! Wasn’t a good amount of this money routed to go, in fact, to the folks holding the signs and their party for their personal benefit at the expense of “We the People”?!
Is this the new, new “pot calling the kettle black” as some sort of weird mass brain washing campaign? It’s terrifying to me that some folks fall for this stuff and literally believe that Musk is stealing! We must wake up to see the forest for the trees!
I may have missed it, but I haven’t yet seen anyone calling out this colossal example of abject hypocrisy and true blindness.
Please continue doing what you do.

REPLY: Most Democrats reject democracy. It is either their way or no way. They have become so deep in their own lies and CORRUPTION that it is embarrassing internationally. The computer will be correct. It has never been wrong because it is not biased. I have warned that it is forecasting the collapse of the Democratic Party. Like the Federalists who also tried desperately to impose dictatorial power from a centralized government commanding and overruling local state culture and policies, this is their fate.

They are too stupid and too wrapped up in the demonic hatred of anyone who opposes them; they have become a cancer eating away at the unity of the United States. Sadly, this behavior leads to at least the collapse of their political party and the breakup of the United States, for they are too blind to see their own actions. In the worst-case scenario, we end up in a civil war. Their best days were when they advocated slavery.

They then turned to Marxism for FDR; then they tried civil rights with LBJ: all great labels but no substance. It has always been about just retaining personal power and the flow of money into their pockets, like USAID.
What are they fighting for? Transgender opera they were funding in Columbia?
They Are In A Bear Market!

Read the full article here