While many people are screaming and shouting about the lack of release of the ‘Jeffrey Epstein files’, a relevant chapter of the late pedophile’s saga is playing out in UK court, and very little attention is being paid to it.
Former top JPMorgan executive and Ex-Barclays CEO Jes Staley, is being deposed in his lawsuit against UK banking regulators who fined him and banned him for life from the British financial system for allegedly lying about his ‘profound’ relationship with Epstein.
Today (11) Staley said that he had ‘no idea’ about serial pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘monstrous activities’, as he gave evidence to try to overturn a finance industry ban over his relationship with the late financier.
Reuters reported:
“Staley began his second day in the witness box at his appeal against a proposed ban and 1.8 million-pound ($2.3 million) fine from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), saying he had no idea of sex trafficking allegations against Epstein.
[…] Staley’s effort to clear his name also sheds light on his ties with Epstein, whose 2019 arrest for sex trafficking minors and subsequent death in custody brought scrutiny on the financier’s other high-profile associates.”
The FCA’s lawyer asked Staley about Epstein’s 2008 conviction for soliciting a minor for prostitution, after which Staley visited him while Epstein was still on work release.
“Staley said in his witness statement that he understood Epstein had ‘engaged with a prostitute who, it transpired, was underage. This appeared to me, and I believe a number of people I knew, to have been an isolated transgression. If I was aware of his monstrous activities, I would not have maintained a relationship’.”

But the thing is, a lot of information has arisen during the lawsuits from both the U.S. Virgin Islands and a group of Epstein’s victims against JPMorgan bank. And all that information suggests otherwise.
Barclays Chair Nigel Higgins originally wrote to the FCA saying that Staley ‘did not have a close relationship’ with Epstein and their last contact was ‘well before he joined Barclays in 2015’.
“But, Higgins added, emails between the pair that were disclosed by Staley’s former employer JP Morgan, painted ‘a different picture’.”
In a previous article here on TGP, we discussed this in more detail:
JPMorgan has sought to shift blame to the territory for being complicit with Epstein’s criminal activity, and also separately suing former top executive Jes Staley, once a close friend to Epstein, trying to cover its losses in the lawsuits it faces.
Jes Staley had a ‘profound’ and deeply personal friendship, according to his newly surfaced emails. Staley and Epstein met over 60 occasions at the disgraced financier’s various properties.
Staley was so ‘enamored’ of Epstein’s Caribbean Island – dubbed ‘Pedo Island’ by locals – that he even wanted to install his own private mooring at the dock upon retirement.
Daily Mail reported:
“‘I miss you,’ he wrote in June 2008. ‘The world is a tough place. Hang in there.’”
Epstein also helped Staley secure a pay rise from Jamie Dimon, then CEO of the bank, during his prison sentence.
‘Tell him [Dimon] a one million dollar increase to 25 million,’ replied Epstein. ‘Do not give in. I’ll try to call you later.’

Most disturbingly, Staley also counted on Epstein’s advice and networking to secure his daughter Alexa a place to study science at Columbia University – despite her inadequate scores.
MSN reported this message from Staley to Epstein in prison:
“‘Deby [Staley’s wife] and I were talking tonight about what you have meant to me and to Alexa’, Staley said, apparently suggesting that Epstein helped his daughter get into Columbia University.
‘You have paid a price for what has been accused. But we know what u have done for us. And we count you as one of our deepest friends. And most honest of people’.”

And then, there are the allegations from victims:
New York Post reported:
“Former Barclays boss Jes Staley has been accused of sexually abusing a woman at Jeffrey Epstein’s Virgin Islands retreat, according to a new court ruling.
Staley […] ‘used aggressive force in his sexual assault of [anonymous victim ‘JPM Jane Doe’] and informed [her] that he had Epstein’s permission to do what he wanted to her,’ the ruling, filed on Monday, states.
Staley exchanged 1,200 emailed with Epstein between 2008 and 2012, after the pedophile was convicted on a single charge of soliciting a minor in a plea bargain.
Staley engaged in a pervy discussion of Disney princesses with Jeffrey Epstein in July 2010, according to several emails cited in the court papers.
‘That was fun’, Staley allegedly wrote to Epstein, ‘Say hi to Snow White’. ‘[W]hat character would you like next?’ Epstein allegedly responded. ‘Beauty and the Beast’, Staley shot back.”
Read more:
THE EPSTEIN CURSE: Former Top JPMorgan Executive and Barclays CEO Jes Staley Fights UK’s Financial Watchdog in Court Over Fine and Lifetime Ban for Lying About Ties to Late Pedophile
Read the full article here