Constables are licensed peace officers who perform various functions, including serving warrants and civil papers, and serving as bailiffs for Justice of the Peace courts.
Republican John Kiefer is facing off against incumbent Democrat Sandra Lee for the seat.
John Kiefer
Party: Republican
Age: 60
Campaign website:
Best way for voters to reach you: [email protected]
Occupation: Mansfield ISD Police Officer
Education: High School Diploma, Master Peace Officer with 2400 hours of TCOLE training, 120 hours of training at the Institute For Law Enforcement Administration
Have you run for elected office before? NO
Please list highlights of your civic involvement. Red Cross volunteer, volunteer for Common Ground Mansfield, Delivered Christmas Gifts to kids for Angel Tree and I donate monthly to Harvesting in Mansfield Food Bank
Have you ever been arrested, charged with a crime or otherwise been part of a criminal proceeding? If yes, please explain: No.
Have you been involved in a civil lawsuit or bankruptcy proceeding? If yes, please explain: No.
Who are your top three campaign contributors? 1. Arlington Republican Club 2. Republican Party of Texas 3. Thomas Klein
Why are you seeking this office? With over 33 years of law enforcement experience, including management and supervision, and more than 9 years at Tarrant County Precinct 7 Constable’s Office, I have dedicated myself to serving and protecting the community. Starting as a Deputy Constable in 2013, I worked my way up to become the Chief Deputy, demonstrating my commitment and leadership. In 2023, I made the decision to retire and prioritize my family’s needs. However, when the opportunity to run for Constable presented itself last December, I knew in my heart that I couldn’t pass it up. I am eager to return to a job I am truly passionate about and to have the chance to have a positive impact on the lives of the people in our community.
What are your top three policy priorities? In Tarrant County, the Constable’s Office enforces civil law and serves civil process papers. Our goal is to provide top-quality and efficient service to the courts and residents of Precinct 7. Additionally, we have a responsibility to keep our citizens safe.When it comes to safety, I am committed to working with local law enforcement agencies within the precinct to ensure that we can provide assistance whenever needed. Additionally, I will elevate our training standards and our office’s performance expectations to better serve the community. Furthermore, I am determined to establish a hiring board to guarantee that we hire the most qualified individuals to serve and protect our community.
Why should voters choose you over your opponent(s)? My opponent began their law enforcement career when they were elected to office in 2020. I have been serving the people of Tarrant County in law enforcement for 33 years. When I decided to run for Tarrant County Constable in Precinct 7, I made it a point not to run a negative campaign. This campaign has been about presenting my credentials versus my opponent’s and letting you, the voters, decide. Criminal and civil law are fundamentally different, and I have experience with enforcing both. With enforcing civil law and serving civil papers, we don’t always know what the person on the other side of the door may be going through. It could be the loss of a job, financial problems, a divorce, child custody issues, or the death of a loved one. That’s why we must have empathy and compassion when performing our duties. I have the knowledge and experience to better lead the constable’s office in serving the people of Precinct 7.
Sandra Lee
Party: Democrat
Age: 63
Campaign website: N/A
Best way for voters to reach you: 817-291-4798
Occupation: Constable Pct.7
Education: Associate in Arts
Have you run for elected office before? Justice of Peace 2014, State Rep. 96 2016, Kennedale City Council 2017, Constable 2020
Please list highlights of your civic involvement. I am a board member with Purses with Purpose and Purpose Driven Youth Empowerment. I was a previous board member for William McDonald YMCA and RLife. Precinct 7 donates teddy bears to the Women’s Center for victims of sexual assault. I deliver Meals on Wheels. My office help deliver boxes of food from Tarrant Area Food Bank to senior citizens. We also provide security for non-profits events free of charge. I also have Constable Lee’s First Generation Scholarship that was started 2021.
Have you ever been arrested, charged with a crime or otherwise been part of a criminal proceeding? If yes, please explain: I was arrest in 1980 for shoplifting. At the age of 6 I use to help an older cousin steal. What started out as a game at the age at 6 became an obsession. The day I got caught I stole a cassette tape that cost $6 and I had $40 cash on me. I remember being the only one in that jail cell. When I was finally released I knew I was never going back. Being in that cell mentally whooped my ass. I’m glad it happened when I was a teenager. I use it as a talking point when meeting with troubled teens.
Have you been involved in a civil lawsuit or bankruptcy proceeding? If yes, please explain: Yes, I believe it was 2001. We filed bankruptcy because we could. We were not behind on any bills. We were talking to friends and they started a conversation about bankruptcy and how it worked. After that conversation I became curious because. We went to see a bankruptcy attorney. He told us to stop paying our bills and when we get months behind we can file. We filed, we owed no one and got to keep everything. That’s when I understood bankruptcy to be a way for the rich to get richer. They run up a lot of debt and then file bankruptcy. I remember the attorney saying to us “you did not realize you were rich did you?”I also so remember when more minorities started to file the bankruptcy laws were changed. They had to come up with a new game plan for the rich.
Who are your top three campaign contributors? Chris Turner, Michael Evans and Jasmine Crockett
Why are you seeking this office? Most people will not understand this statement but I honestly believe God has me here. I have been able to help so many people as Constable. I believe we need more women in these positions. Women bring a different perspective. I love what I do. I’m at my office 90% of the time. I love giving back and protecting the citizens. This position affords me the opportunity to do Meals on Wheels and TAFB deliveries. I’m able support the ISDs that fall within Pct.7. Most of all I’m seeking re-election because the Constable Office provides a much need service and we need someone leading the way that has integrity and is respected by the community.
What are your top three policy priorities? 1. To keep my deputies mentally fit to serve the community. 2. Make sure that they are following the policies that we have in place. 3. Make sure my deputies are protected against any kind of false accusations that might destroy their reputations.
Why should voters choose you over your opponent(s)? My opponent was my Sergeant when I was first elect and I appointed him to be my Chief Deputy after the first one retired. I have true governmental leadership experience. I was on Kennedale City Council for 3 years, 2 as Mayor Pro Tem and I’m the only one with elected Constable experience. I do not believe in that’s the way it’s alway been done mentality. I bring a new perspective. My opponent talks about bringing genuine leadership back to Pct. 7. He knows exactly what type of leadership was there before I was elected. If my opponent truly is running for the betterment of the constable’s office he would have ran for this office when the previous Constable was there. My opponent knew of the corruption that was going on during the previous administration. Pct. 7 has plenty of experience deputies with 20 or more years. With my leadership experience and the experience of my deputies, we have a very well ran office that is respected through out Tarrant County.
Read the full article here